Author Guideline

The title should be written in short and concise English (max. 15 words)

If necessary, add subtitles: as below:

(Study ...., City/District, Province)


Author1*, Author2, ..., AuthorLast


1Origin Institution, Country, email address

2Origin Institution, Country, email address


               Space text 1. Abstract written in English. The abstract contains a description of the research objectives, the methods used, and the results of the study. The abstract is concise, concise and written in one paragraph (maximum 200-250 words).

Keywords: contains basic ideas or concepts (maximum of 6 concepts)

  1. Introduction

This section contains the research background, research problems or research objectives, and a summary of the theoretical studies related to the problem under study.

In the first paragraph after the title the first line starts from the far left, while for the second line and so on the first line is written indented (0.75cm), Font (Baskerville Old Face), Size (12).

  1. Literatur Review

This section contains the theoretical basis, as well as an explanation of what variables are used in the study and their measurement tools.

  1. Methods

This section contains the design of the research conducted. This section contains at least the type of research, concept model, hypothesis model, research subject/object, data collection techniques/instruments and data analysis.

  1. Research Result and Discussion

This section contains the results of data analysis, instrument and hypothesis testing (if any), answers to research questions, findings and interpretation of findings. If the manuscript requires tables or figures, use this example.

  1. Conclusions and Suggestions
  • Conclution

Presents the conclusions of the research results and if necessary implications, limitations can be added.

  • Suggestions

Presents suggestions based on the results of the research for all parties directly involved and those not directly involved in the research.

  1. Bibliography

Contains the sources referred to in the writing of the article, only the sources used are included in the bibliography. The bibliography is sorted alphabetically.

The citations used in the article are in-text/in-note citations. Citation and reference writing uses the American Psychological Association (APA) model (Sixth Edition). We recommend using EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, or the application provided by Microsoft Word in the References tab. Example: , A., Rahardjo, K., 2019)

Syukur, A., Azis, R., & Sukarsih. (2020). Developing Reading Learning Model to Increase Reading Skill for Animal Husbandry Students in Higher Education. Britain International of Linguistics, Arts and Education, 2(1), 484–493.