Green Recruitment, Green Training, and Green Compensation and Reward on Green Human Resources Management
The employees Training, Management,Covid-19Abstract
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of Green Recruitment, Green Training, and Green Compensation and Reward on Green Human Resources Management using SEM analysis, especially on human resources from organizations in Lampung province. The problem formulations are as follows: 1) How does Green Recruitment affect Green Human Resources Management? 2) How does Green Training affect Green Human Resources Management? 3) How do Green Compensation and Reward affect Green Human Resources Management? This study uses a quantitative approach by collecting data from questionnaires to 100 respondents and processed with the lisrel program, then obtained the results that all independent variables have a positive effect on environmentally friendly HR, where: 1) HR Recruitment variable has a positive effect of 0.79 on environmentally friendly HR. 2) HR Education and Training variable has a positive effect of 0.21 on environmentally friendly HR, and 3) HR Reward variable has a positive effect of 0.24 on environmentally friendly HR.
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