About the Journal

MABUSS: Journal of Management, Business and Social Sciences aims to help shape the field of Management and Social Sciences. This field has grown dramatically in recent years as scholars recognize the power and significance of business and social sciences to society. The journal publish quality research and debate in Management and Social Sciences and is committed to a breadth of outlook that acknowledges the interdisciplinary nature of business and social sciences to societal issues, encourages the development of sound theoretical analysis in management and social sciences, recognizes the best empirical traditions of rigorous business and social sciences, while providing a platform for new perspectives of a more qualitative and/or critical orientation, and reflects the social significance of business and society by addressing the social, political and economic contexts in which business processes are embedded.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): January
Published: 2024-01-23


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Dear author,
Due to the the new publication to our journal, Mabuss, Journal of Management, Business, and Social Sciences, we inform you that we accept articles to be published on January 2023. Our editors will initially review the submitted papers sent for the next edition.