The Influence of Service Quality on the Satisfaction of Community Users of the Kalianda Bomb Port Crossing Service – Sebesi Island on the District Transportation Office South Lampung
Service Quality, Community SatisfactionAbstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of service quality on the community satisfaction of users of the Kalianda – Sebesi Island BOM crossing service at the South Lampung Regency Transportation Office. The data analysis used is using linear regression with the SPSS Version 26.00 programme. The results of the research support the hypothesis, that there is a positive and significant influence between service quality on the satisfaction of community users of the Kalianda-Sebesi Island BOM crossing service at the South Lampung Regency Transportation Office, with an influence of 42.5.0% while the rest is described by other factors. The implication based on the results of the study is that efforts have been made on the application system used for the registration of prospective passengers by improving the existing system and providing a call center to provide information on the crossing service schedule earlier and efforts have been made to minimize complaints of passengers on board by always encouraging ship passengers to provide the necessities before entering the ship or minimizing the wishes of passengers when already on board due to limited crew.
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