Droit Constitutional and Administrative Policy2025-02-26T12:46:05+08:00Dicha Nery Journal Systems<p>Journal Droit Constitutional And Administrative Policy is published by the Master of Law Study Program of the Postgraduate Program at the University of Bandar Lampung which focuses on the concentration of Constitutional Law and State Administration Law, the main purpose of this journal is to disseminate critical and original analysis from researchers and academic practitioners on Legal Science, especially in the concentration of Constitutional Law and State Administration Law, The presentation and packaging are sought to be communicative through scientific language. Journal Droit Constitutional And Administrative Policy is published three times a year in February, May, August. Through the Journal Droit Constitutional And Administrative Policy, it is hoped that the process of development and development of the legal field will occur as an important part of a long series of processes to advance the nation's society. Journal Droit Constitutional And Administrative Policy published in Bahasa Indonesia and English since 2022, Journal Droit Constitutional And Administrative Policy invites researchers, academics, practitioners, and the public to submit their critical writings and contribute to the development of Public Policy and Services locally, nationally and internationally. </p> REVIEW OF THE REVERSAL OF THE NAME OF THE OWNERSHIP STATUS OF THE OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE ABOVE IT ESTABLISHMENT OF CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION BUILDING IN THE AREA OF DIOCESAN MINISTRY WORK SUFRAGAN TANJUNG KARANG2024-08-14T16:59:30+08:00Putri Maharani Sitorusputrimahar15@gmail.comCherin Salsabila Putricherinslsputri@gmail.comMarianamarianarayanisa@gmail.comTami<p><em>In civil cases, cases filed in court are generally in the field of unlawful acts. To find out what is meant by Unlawful Acts (Onrechtmatigedaad). The research method in this study is a normative legal approach and an empirical approach and is known by deductive thinking so that it becomes a general description of the answer to the problem based on the results of the study. The results of the study show that the method of transferring the name of the ownership status of the certificate of ownership on which the building stands that the files that must be prepared are the application form for changing the name that has been filled in and signed by the applicant, the Deed of Sale and Purchase and the Land Deed Making Officer, and the Identity Card of the buyer and seller, proof of Income Tax Payment Letter, proof of payment of the Land and Building Acquisition Fee Payment Letter, and also the original land certificate, Land and Building Tax Payable Notification Letter, After all the documents are ready, the next step is to bring the files to the local National Land Agency Office. The authorities will issue proof of receipt of the name change application. Furthermore, the National Land Agency will delete the name of the old rights holder and change it to the name of the new rights holder in the land book and also the certificate. Judge's considerations regarding the change of name Decision Number: 54/Pdt.G/2023/PN.Tjk that it is true that the Defendant was once a Bishop in the Suffragan Diocese of Tanjung Karang/Plaintiff and was part of the Diocese of Tanjungkarang/Plaintiff, and it has also been proven that the Defendant and Co-Defendant I in carrying out the sale and purchase transaction of the land object of the case acted on behalf of the Diocese of Tanjungkarang/Plaintiff</em></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Droit Constitutional and Administrative Policy ANALYSIS OF PROVING THE PERPETRATORS OF TERRORISM CRIMES AS AN EFFORT TO MINIMIZE THE RECURRENCE OF TERRORISM CRIMES IN LAMPUNG PROVINCE (Study on Lampung Satbrimobda)2025-02-26T12:46:05+08:00Eryon Budi Prasetyoeryon.bp@gmail.comFrans Simon Simamoraeryon.bp@gmail.comFarrah Puteri Maharanieryon.bp@gmail.comReymond Sihombingeryon.bp@gmail.comDitta<p><em>Terorism is a crime that is attracting the world's attention at the moment, it is classified as a crime against humanity (crime against humanity), and seriously threatens the sovereignty of all nations because terrorism is an international crime which is a danger to security, world peace and an evil act, the crime of terrorism can also be categorized as a crime against humanity and of course is very contrary to Human Rights (HAM). The research method in this research is a normative juridical approach and an empirical approach and is concluded using deductive thinking so that it becomes a general picture of the answer to the problem based on the research results. The results of the research show that the factors that cause a person to become a perpetrator of criminal acts of terrorism in Lampung Province are: ethnicity, nationalism/separatism which is usually due to inter-ethnic conflict and wanting to be liberated; Poverty, inequality and globalization are factors that cause acts of terrorism, because choosing the last resort as an effort to meet life's needs or to survive and radicalism in the name of religion are no stranger to the world as causes of terrorism, in this case adherents feel called to defend their religion as a form of worship of their religion and is usually carried out by deviant teachings, because no religion allows its followers to engage in radicalism. Criminal liability for perpetrators of criminal acts of terrorism in an effort to minimize the occurrence of criminal acts of terrorism is by imposing Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism, with the following elements: Every person; carry out an evil conspiracy, prepare, attempt or assist to commit a criminal act of terrorism and deliberately use violence or threats of violence with the intention of creating an atmosphere of widespread terror or fear of people or causing mass casualties by taking away freedom or loss of life or property other people, or to cause damage or destruction to vital strategic or environmental objects, or public facilities, or international facilities.</em></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Droit Constitutional and Administrative Policy ANALYSIS OF PROVING THE PERPETRATORS OF TERRORISM CRIMES AS AN EFFORT TO MINIMIZE THE RECURRENCE OF TERRORISM CRIMES IN LAMPUNG PROVINCE (Study on Lampung Satbrimobda)2024-08-09T12:04:07+08:00NOVI ASIH<p><em>Terrorism is an international crime that threatens world security and peace, and is categorized as a crime against humanity. Acts of terrorism are contrary to Human Rights (HAM) and threaten state sovereignty. This research uses a normative and empirical juridical approach, with a deductive method to explain the problem. In Lampung Province, terrorism is caused by several factors such as tribalism, nationalism, poverty, inequality, and the influence of globalization. Ethnic conflicts and the desire for independence also trigger acts of terrorism. In addition, radicalism in the name of religion is a significant factor, even though no religion justifies violence. Perpetrators of terrorism feel called to defend religious beliefs through acts of violence, which are often based on deviant teachings. Efforts to eradicate terrorism crimes in Indonesia are regulated in Law Number 5 of 2018, which provides sanctions for those involved in planning, experimenting, or assisting acts of terrorism. These actions are carried out deliberately to create mass fear or damage vital facilities, with the aim of causing great loss of life, property, or strategic infrastructure.</em></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Droit Constitutional and Administrative Policy PASAL 31E PERDA KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG NO 03 TAHUN 2017 TENTANG PARIWISATA (Studi Dinas Pariwisata Kota Bandar Lampung)2024-08-09T12:10:35+08:00Nitaria<p><em>The culinary industry in the city of Bandar Lampung is highly attractive to local communities as part of their livelihood. The Bandar Lampung city government created regulations for tourism destinations including the culinary industry. This regulation is contained in Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2017 concerning tourism, which aims to ensure that the tourism destination in the city of Bandar Lampung can run well and under control. The research method in this research is a normative juridical approach and an empirical approach and is concluded using deductive thinking so that it becomes a general picture of the answer to the problem based on the research results. The results of the research show that the implementation of Article 31E of the Bandar Lampung City Regional Regulation No. 03 of 2017 concerning Tourism has not been implemented maximally, because there are still violations committed by tourism business actors in culinary businesses, namely Angles Wing and Xo Stars Coffee in Bandar Lampung City. There is still a lack of supervision carried out by the Bandar Lampung City Tourism Office and other government agencies in Bandar Lampung City culinary business activities such as legal system theory, namely legal substance, legal structure and legal culture. The inhibiting factor in the culinary tourism licensing process in Bandar Lampung City is the existence of unlawful activities carried out by culinary tourism entrepreneurs. Inhibiting factors are divided into internal factors and external factors, where internal factors are factors that appear within the body and are directly related to institutions and legal actors who become obstacles to law enforcement regarding violations of culinary tourism permits in Bandar Lampung City and external factors are factors from Outside of law enforcement, external factors that hinder culinary tourism law enforcement are the community and business actors, such as the legal policy theory put forward by Thomas R Dye. The suggestion for the Government is to revise the Bandar Lampung City Regional Regulation No. 03 of 2017 concerning tourism, clarifying the differentiating criteria of Article 31 E and Article 31 G in terms of culinary so that there is no misconception in the types of culinary tourism. Carry out supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the performance of related agencies and business actors so that permit violations no longer occur which could cause commotion in the community</em></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Droit Constitutional and Administrative Policy