Journal of Architecture and Urban Development: Announcements <p>Journal of Architecture and Urban Development published twice in a year, in March and September. The article can be product of researches, scientific thoughts or case study, in Architecture and isn’t formed by politics, commercialism, and subjectivity unsure. This scientific journal contains articles of thought and research results in Architecture that have never been published in scientific journals or other media.</p> en-US Tue, 15 Nov 2022 03:25:54 +0800 OJS 60 Dear Autor <p>Authors are always welcome to submit their manuscripts for publication consideration. The authors to submit their papers in our journal are required to use the template file, the link of which is given in the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">article template</a> section. The papers which are not transformed in our template file and do not follow the format will not be taken into account for editorial process. Articles received will be peer-double blind review.</p> <p>Ready for submitting a manuscript? Please follow [<a title="Author Guidelines" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Author Guidelines</a>] and [<a href="">Manuscript Template</a>], and click [<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Submit</a>]. </p> <p><strong>E-mail</strong>: </p> Tue, 15 Nov 2022 03:25:54 +0800